Testing at Scale with Nate Lee of Speedscale [podcast]

Modern businesses rely on applications, and they also rely on continued innovation in those applications to drive their business.

This strive for innovation creates a need for improved techniques for validating that an application will work as expected. But constant innovation means a constant chance for problems, and testing applications at scale is not an easy task. This is where Speedscale comes into play. The company assists in stress-testing applications by recreating real-world traffic loads in a test environment.

In this episode, I talk with Nate Lee, Co-Founder of SpeedScale, a company that is trying to solve the real-world “testing at scale” problem.

Listen to the full episode here:

And make sure to check out my O’Reilly Media book, Architecting for Scale.

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Find out more about Speedscale and testing at scale at speedscale.com.

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Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash.